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Key Findings

Companies must act now to prepare for new regulations.

74% of executives surveyed believe complying with regulatory reporting requirements will become significantly more challenging in the next year.

Integrated reporting unleashes opportunity.

91% of executives surveyed agree integrated financial and ESG reporting provides a more holistic view of performance. Furthermore, 88% of institutional investors surveyed are more likely to invest in companies that integrate financial and ESG data.

Investors aren't backing down on ESG.

82% of institutional investors surveyed say they have not changed how they make investment decisions despite recent criticism of ESG.

Executives and investors are bullish on generative AI.

83% of executives surveyed believe generative AI will help companies comply with regulation. In addition, more than half of institutional investors surveyed use gen AI to evaluate financial and ESG performance.

Integrated reporting insights from executives and investors

To collect the data in this report, Workiva commissioned an independent study with Ascend2 and developed two custom online questionnaires.

A total of 894 C-suite executives and vice presidents in finance and accounting, ESG and sustainability, internal audit, and legal departments responded to the survey along with 103 institutional investors across the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Find more details on methodology in the full report.


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Staying Ahead of Corporate Reporting Regulations
Building Stakeholder Confidence Through Integrated Reporting
Creating a Reporting Automation Strategy for Cross-Functional Transformation Utilizing Workiva

Explore the state of integrated reporting.

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