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The one platform for assured integrated reporting.

Bring together financial reporting, ESG reporting, audit and risk to provide true clarity and confidence to your most important work. Do it all with Workiva in a centralised, secure and audit-ready environment. Manage data securely. Work together seamlessly. Report everywhere accurately.

image showing financial reports, esg reports, and grc reports in the workiva platform

Join the thousands of leaders who trust Workiva


Working better together for trust and transparency

With regulations on the rise globally and macroeconomic events impacting every decision, assured integrated reporting is critical to meeting today’s demands from regulators, investors and the public—and Workiva is the only platform to deliver it.

The Workiva platform combines data integrity and collaboration with control, so you can report on hundreds of metrics and risks with confidence in each. Data is reliable and reusable throughout multiple business processes. Accounting and finance always have up-to-date numbers and narrative. Sustainability teams can use the same data and collect their own to dynamically adjust their disclosures. Plus, risk and compliance have the visibility they need, whenever you’re ready. The end result: data clarity and accuracy, increased efficiency and outcomes you can trust. This is assured integrated reporting in action.

image depicting Workiva software connecting data sets

Financial Reporting

Go from financial close to final report with connected numbers and narrative. Create annual and quarterly reports and disclosures, together in real time and in a secure environment—without version control nightmares or worry about last-minute changes. Financial data is automatically refreshed as it‘s prepared.

image showing comments in the workiva platform


Share financial and ESG data together in climate disclosures or dashboards with the same level of ease and assurance. With Workiva, you finally have a centralised hub for reliable ESG metrics from across the company. ESG data collection can be automated or connected to source systems, plus mapped to frameworks.

image showing charts in the workiva platform

Audit and Risk

Automatic audit trails. Attached evidence. Built-in controls. Everything your teams prepare in the Workiva platform is completely transparent and ready for assurance—internally and externally—whether it’s for ratings agencies or regulators.


Connect data, unify processes and empower teams

Workiva built the cloud-native platform that simplifies the complexities of mission-critical work by uniting financial reporting, ESG, internal audit, risk and more. Open. Intelligent. Intuitive. No other software does all this.


Connect directly to data anywhere

Easily work with financial and non-financial data from across the organisation—whether it’s in a system, in a spreadsheet or under someone else’s control. Then merge, explore and transform that data at scale.